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Loose Tea or Tea bags. Which one are you?

Alright, let’s settle the score on the tea battlefield – loose tea or tea bags? Picture this: loose tea is like the rebel of the tea world, the maverick that refuses to be confined. It’s the rockstar of tea brewing, letting those leaves dance freely in your cup, creating a symphony of flavours that’s downright rebellious.

On the flip side, we’ve got the tea bags – the neat freaks of the tea universe. They’re like the Marie Kondo of tea preparation, keeping things tidy and contained. Pop a bag into hot water, and boom, you’ve got a controlled infusion, no leafy chaos.

Now, me? I swing both ways. There are days when I’m feeling fancy, embracing the loose tea life, letting those leaves do the tango in my cup. Other times, when I’m rushing or just feeling a bit lazy, tea bags are my trusty sidekick – quick, easy, and no mess.

It’s like choosing between a wild adventure and a cozy night in. So, whether you’re Team Loose or Team Bags, let’s all agree that at the end of the day, it’s about that soothing, soul-warming cuppa that makes life a tad more brew-tiful. Cheers to the tea struggle!